This is just a random tongue/ text idea I'd had swilling around. The band- My Lost Youth are ace but this doesn't really go with the music (well I don't think so anyway)
I've only just come round to the idea of Ellie Goulding without Jacwob but I have to say I think I'm falling in love (also I can play 3 of her beauts on guitar)
REALLY wanted this to be my background, but I couldn't get it to work :/ Maybe Thomas 'clever pants' Boyle can get it to work... WATCH THIS SPACE (well background)
That uni work I discussed, I don't like her face- she looks like Rachel from Glee :| So I'll probably photoshop that tomorrow and change the bottom text
On Friday I went to see one of my favourite bands, Sonic Boom Six. They were frigging amazing and we stood and talked to the band after (it helps when you attend the gig with one of the bands friends) Laila K gave me her hat and I was still smiling to myself on the metro home the next day! So Anyway they do a kick ass cover of 'Addicted to bass' and I was listening to it whilst drawing this :D
That's all we have time for today folks, this blog post was sponsered by the colour purple, the letter Y and me listening to The Levellers.
Marvellous as ever, my lovely. I think I may be in love with Harvey. Reckon you can squeeze a little on of him on my jacket? :)