I've just realised I've never posted any of the stuff on that I send to the shop
What shop?
Oh yeah, crown heart star sells in a shop in Barnard Castle called My Generation. It's an amazing shop because it's filled with hand made, hand altered, revamped and retro stuff!! And when they opened earlier his year they asked if I would make things for them, we lived happily ever after- the end.
So here's a few pics (shoddy quality for the most part I'm afraid) of what I've sent off to them to make the pokey little town that barney is a bit cooler.
Ninja hat £15 at the shop, sold!
Ninja and Ray hat, £15
Free hand decorated shoes £12
Obviously not for the shop, but awesome colab with my buds at Ashburn paper shop
Winged high tops, £18
Sucker punched total beast shoes, sold 3 pairs already :) £15
Stuff ready to go!
Not for the shop but cool as shit anyway B)
Bags and mini canvases at the shop (there was another wall full but I've lost the photo!!)
Shoes! £15 (sold)
£15 (sold)
So now you know! I do orders if you ever see anything you like and can jazz up stuff for you if you like.
This is what I really love to do, crown heart star is my baby and I can't believe I didn't post this earlier...
Currently making more bags now (25 to be precise... wish me luck) so I'll put the pictures up when they're done :)