Friday, 29 July 2011

And now for something totally different, a rabbit going for a nice walk in 'caridas' sneaks

Spent a decent amount of time at Tommy B's of late, and whilst he's been working away for the Reluctant Hero folks- earning dollar, I've been politely busying myself through the means of crownheartstar illustration :)

Check them sneaks!! Also- Midnight Beast lyrics.

Almost 73% certain he makes me draw more better.


Poster of the ASBO variety

So this is the poster blown to the up outside of Indy P! Had a minor squeak when I saw it, never seen my shit this big before and it were grand! Once again big ta to Jamie and the Indy P crew for this ^_^


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Ass to the Bow

So happily for me, Jamie has asked me to rejoin team ASBO as the poster designer chick. Which is great because I used to love doing them! Here's the first one, few bits that I'm picky about but overall I be pleased, as is Jamie and Indy P!

Look out for them in places n shiiizz


Panda Funk Team on the brain??

So as a few of you may know, two forces of awesome have now been officially joined by the means of a tiny heart on facebook. Win. <3
I am of course reffering to the awesome power of myself and Thomas 'the boy' Boyle of Panda Funk Team fame!! But enough of this mushy "I'm so happy" shit, we artistic types show our feelings through rad work (as he has done for me already)

5 things can be said for certain about Tom;
  1. He is an amazing artist/ comic creator
  2. His favourite colours are orange and green
  3. His favourite band are Daft Punk
  4. His pints come with holes in them
  5. He LOVES Pandas.
And so I did this with him in mind (literally) ^_^

He's a very special boy. To me at least.

I realise I haven't posted much lately but I've been moving, graduating, other things that end with ing...

More to come including 2 rabbits inspired by Midnight Beast and Happy Tree Friends and the return of the ASBO posters!!

