Tuesday, 21 February 2012


I haven't posted on here in aaaaages so forgive me if I've already posted stuff or have missed anything!

Also I've been entering a few competitions lately, at the risk of sounding pathetic times are shit right now- I can't get a job and I'm not getting any chs orders. I entered these competitions mainly to try get a bit more chs exposure but it really would've been amazing to have won (well the competitions not over yet but compared to the other entries I haven't got a chance) the money would literally sort me out and get me on my feet again. 

'Threadless Loves Pins Up' entry Vote here!

deviantART 'Cute Monster' entry Vote here!

Never mind though, I enjoyed doing them and it's helped me get a couple of extra followers on various things! Thanks to anyone who voted for these, I know it's a pain having to sign up to everything but I really appreciate the support :)

So that's this mainly caught up, got some magazine stuff coming up soon so keep your online eyes peeled! 

Much love
